
Everyone knows how much work goes into cleaning carpet, and the stains it leaves behind can be difficult to remove. Whether you want to avoid this hassle in the future or simply want to get your carpet back in order today, these tips will help you clean better while using less effort than ever before.

  1. Clean up spills right away

If you have a sudden, disastrous spill on your hands, take immediate action to clean it up. The longer the spill sits on your carpet, the more difficult it will be to remove. First, blot up as much liquid as you can with paper towels. Then use a wet vac or steam cleaner to finish drying out the area without damaging your vacuum cleaner’s hose. Use enzyme cleaners for this task since they will dissolve the stain before you need to tackle it with other cleaners.

  1. Be nice to your carpet

Carpet can be a finicky material that reacts delicately to water and detergents. Use gentle cleansers, avoid strong sprays and be careful not to damage your carpet fibers in the process. For example, avoid using household cleaners on carpets as they can dry them out or cause spots over time. Instead, use an enzyme cleaner for organic stains and stains from spills that you may not immediately notice like a barbecue sauce stain from last night’s potluck dinner. If you do notice a stain begin to set in, don’t panic – just use the spot cleaner to dissolve the stain as soon as possible.

  1. Try vinegar

It may sound strange to use vinegar in the place of your usual cleanser, but it works quite well as a household cleaner. Vinegar is a great combination of acidity, which can help break down stains, and enzymatic properties that remove organic stains. It can also be used to disinfect your carpets if there are harmful bacteria present, and it is mild enough to use on carpets that people frequently walk on. Adding vinegar to the water during your typical wash cycle can help keep your carpet clean with minimal effort. You should always check any product you use for potential toxicity with a reputable retailer beforehand, though.

  1. Get the right vacuum

Vacuuming your carpet is a big part of keeping it clean, but a good vacuum can make this job easier than ever. Make sure to get one with a long hose and attachments so that you can easily reach farther into the corners of your carpets without needing to move furniture out of the way. Motorized cleaners are generally better at picking up dirt or grime, though you may be better off with a cordless vacuum for spots that need more attention. The most important thing about vacuums is that they do not cause damage to your carpet fibers – it is still better to use a damp cloth to spot clean minor stains instead of using a machine on them.


Carpets can be difficult to clean, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Take advantage of these tips and you can have your carpets looking great again in no time. For more information about carpet cleaning products and techniques, talk to one of our experienced carpet cleaners today.