It is no secret you would want each day to be as productive as possible. One way to make sure that would happen would be to write down things that you would want to do in your stone journal. These are things you would want to accomplish right now or in the future. When that happens, you will want to do it in a collective manner. For example, you have been planning to give this girl in your dreams a bouquet of flowers so pencil that in your stone journal that you will want to do that for the day after tomorrow since it is her birthday. It is a great way to plan things out for the next few days as you must have some kind of plan as to what you want to achieve in the next few days. Better make sure that you take good care of your stone journal as it is something that needs TLC wherever you decide to take it. We all know it is not something that will last if you just throw it around wherever you want to end up. You will want to write down house chores too if you don’t have someone doing them for you. if you don’t have the time then you can always hire a cleaning company as they can do that for you at a minimal cost. Remember to give them a tip as they are exposing themselves to dirt all the time. Make sure they are using non-toxic materials too.

When you are forgetful, you know you will want to write down stuff you deem as future goals. For example, you would want to educate your kids with their homework as they need all the help they can get. When it is written down in your stone journal, you will feel motivated about doing those tasks sometime in the future. We really don’t know what the future holds as we can only hope for the best. Of course, you would want something to motivate you in the not so distant future and that is one thing you should keep your eyes on. We all control what our future holds. There will be some hurdles along the way and it would be up to you if you would let those things affect you or not. Besides, it is all in the mind when you come in and just take a little bit of a push before you can finally get off of your chair and do something meaningful in your life. The things you write there could be in chronological order or they could not be in any order. It is possible to write whatever comes to your mind so they don’t have to be in order. Besides, it is possible to just write down all the stuff you can think of so that you won’t forget them at a later date. It is the thought that matters so that you would know you are right.