Are you happy with the education that your daughter is receiving right now? Do you feel that she will qualify for senior school with ease? Is she exploiting all her talents? If you answered no to any of these questions it is high time that you thought about enrolling her in a private boarding school in the UK – they have some of the best prep schools in the world. Although these schools are rather expensive they are worth it because they will help your daughter get into a good university.
When choosing a high school for your daughter you should look into performance – how well do students qualify for senior school? You should also look into the kind of curriculum that is offered. Some schools have an emphasis on sciences, others arts and there are some that offer one that is balanced. What you choose will depend on your child’s strengths.
You should be looking for a school where your child will fit in. You know your child better than anyone – if they are shy and retiring they will not do very well in a private school that is highly competitive or bratty students. Look into the kind of emotional support students get – although most schools have a professional who talks to students when they have problems, it is also important that individual teachers be supportive. You should take your child to a school where teachers can help students who need extra attention.
St. Francis College in Hertfordshire is one such school. They have an excellent curriculum and offer students spiritual and emotional support based on Christian values. It was established more than 70 years ago and continues to provide girls with excellent education.